Cantico dei Cantici


BDB = Brown, F., S. R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. 1906, Clarendon, Oxford, 1979.

DHC = The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Edited by D. J. A. Clines, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1993 –.

GKC = GESENIUS W., Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, as edited and enlarged by the late E. Kautzsch, second english edition, rivised in accordance with the twenty-eighth german edition (1909) by E. Cowley, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1960.

HALOT = Koehler, L., W. Baumgartner, and J. J. Stamm. The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Translated and edited under the supervision of M. E. J. Richardson. 5 vols., Brill, Leiden 1994–2000.

JOÜON = JOÜON P. – MURAOKA T., A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew (Subsidia biblica 14/I/II), Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Roma 1993.

Waltke-O’Connor = WALTKE B.K. – O’CONNOR M.P., An introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 1990.


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